The first collective voice of the robotic leading enterprises

December 14 learned from the China Robotics Industry Alliance that at the China Robot Industry Promotion Conference held on December 9th, leaders from more than 20 robotics companies, including Shenyang Xinsong, Guangzhou CNC, and Nanjing Estun, gathered in Qingdao. Initiated by the China Robot Industry Alliance for the first time and collectively uttered "The Initiative on Promoting the Healthy Development of China's Robotics Industry (Qingdao Initiative)", it called on companies from all industries to work together and seek common development to establish a sound market environment and common ground. Promote the sustained and healthy development of the industry.

China has become the world’s largest industrial robot market for two consecutive years. Service robots for the elderly, the disabled, and domestic services also show a huge potential market. With the support of market demand and the support of national industrial policies, in recent years, China's robotics industry has been developing at an unprecedented speed. However, with the rapid development of the industry, problems such as weak innovation capability and lagging technology development have become prominent.

According to the relevant person in charge of the China Robotics Industry Alliance, the “Thirteenth Five-Year Plan” is an important window period for the development of robotics in China. At this critical stage, the “Qingdao Initiative” was issued to promote the industry’s correct understanding of the industry’s development laws and environment, and to avoid Overheated development creates a harmonious and healthy market environment.

The "Qingdao Initiative" pointed out that China has become the world's largest industrial robot market, and service robots also show great market potential. While the industry is developing rapidly, innovation capacity is not strong, technological development lags behind, problems such as hollowing, low-end, and marginalization are highlighted. In particular, overheated industrial development and low-level redundant construction begin to appear. During the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" period, the China Robotics Industry Alliance called on leading companies in the industry to strengthen cooperation, advance hand in hand, and work together to work hard to establish a good market order and promote the continued healthy development of the Chinese robotics industry.

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