Adjusting Agricultural Planting Structure and Promoting Agricultural Modernization

[China Agricultural Machinery Industry News] Recently, the Ministry of Agriculture issued the "National Planting Structure Adjustment Plan (2016-2020)", which designed the overall design and regional layout of major crop varieties during the 13th Five-Year Plan period. Guide all localities to make scientific adjustments according to the layout of functional areas in accordance with scientific, ecological and sustainable requirements.
Adjusting Agricultural Planting Structure and Promoting Agricultural Modernization
Agriculture is the foundation for building a well-off society in an all-round way and realizing modernization. During the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" period, China will accelerate the adjustment of agricultural structure, improve the quality and competitiveness of agriculture, and promote agricultural modernization.
At present, the main contradiction of China's agriculture has changed from a lack of total to a structural contradiction, mainly manifested in the staged and structural oversupply and insufficient supply.
The industry believes that promoting the structural reform of the supply side of agriculture and improving the quality and efficiency of the agricultural supply system are important tasks for the agricultural and rural economy in the current and future period.
The "13th Five-Year Plan" outline clearly proposes to accelerate the adjustment of agricultural structure. Promote the integration of grain, food and agriculture, agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery, and the development of breeding and breeding. Actively guide the adjustment of agricultural planting structure, support the production areas of cotton, oilseeds, sugar, soybeans, forestry and other production bases in the advantageous production areas.
“In recent years, the demand for agricultural products of urban and rural residents has changed rapidly, and the demand for diversification and individualization has increased significantly.” Minister of Agriculture Han Changfu said that the problem of agricultural production and sales is not obvious, and there are many agricultural products, and there are not many brands. "Selling hard" and "buying hard" coexist.
In Han Changfu’s view, during the “Thirteenth Five-Year Plan” period, the key is to adapt to the need to accelerate the upgrading of agricultural product consumption structure, do a good job of adding and subtracting methods, increase effective supply, reduce low-end ineffective supply, and promote agricultural supply from the low-end to the middle. Make production better adapted to the market.
In the first quarter of the “Thirteenth Five-Year Plan”, China’s agricultural supply-side structural reforms were steadily advanced –
The three provinces of Northeast China and Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region have adjusted the temporary corn storage and storage policy to a new mechanism of “market-based acquisition” plus “subsidy”;
Adjust the structure of the corn: consolidate and increase the production capacity of the advantageous area of ​​the corn, and appropriately reduce the corn planting area in the non-dominant area;
Adjust and optimize the layout, reduce the corn planting area in non-advantageous areas and replant soybeans, promote corn and soybean rotation, and focus on improving yield, quality and efficiency;
The new agricultural management entities such as farmer cooperatives and family farms are gradually developing and expanding, and the first, second and third generations are integrated and interactive.
"The overall idea of ​​agricultural restructuring is based on the current, long-term perspective, market demand-oriented, deepening rural reform as a new driving force, green development, quality improvement and efficiency, and exploration mechanism as the direction, adjusting and optimizing the agricultural structure, and promoting the system. Institutional innovation, especially to coordinate the stable production capacity of grain production, ensure supply, guarantee income, and protect ecological work, and continuously improve the quality and competitiveness of agricultural development," said Yu Xinrong, deputy minister of agriculture.
Recently, the Ministry of Agriculture issued the “National Planting Structure Adjustment Plan (2016-2020)”, which designed the overall design and regional layout of major crop varieties during the “13th Five-Year Plan” period. The purpose is to guide the localities according to science and ecology. And sustainable requirements, scientific adjustments according to the layout of the functional area.
According to reports, the overall consideration of the plan is to ensure the level of self-sufficiency in the protection of grain, grain, stable cotton, edible vegetable oil and sugar, while ensuring the balanced production and supply of vegetables.
According to the local reflection and analysis of the agricultural situation of the Ministry of Agriculture, this year's corn structure adjustment has started well. It is expected that the annual corn planting area will decrease.
While making structural adjustments to the crop industry, we will promote the restructuring of the livestock industry, focusing on the optimization of live pig layout and the development of herbivore animal husbandry. The overall consideration is to stabilize pigs, promote cattle and sheep, improve the matching of resources and environment, and promote the transformation and upgrading of livestock industry and green development.
During the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" period, the adjustment of the fishery structure will also be steadily advanced, with the focus on protecting resources and reducing revenues. Promote the continuous extension of the fishery to the industrial chain and produce more aquatic products with high quality and low price.

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