"Chinese Economy Person of the Year" - Guan Xiyou

"Chinese Economy Person of the Year" - Guan Xiyou On December 12, 2012, the 13th "China Economic Year of the Year" selection of CCTV revealed the answer. The chairman of the Shenyang Machine Tool Group, Guan Xiyou, was honored with the title of “Chinese Economy Person of the Year”.

Reasons for winning: As the birthplace of the first machine tool in New China, Shenyang Machine Tool had a glorious history, but in 2002, when Guan Xiyu took over the Shenyang Machine Tool, the Chinese machine tool leader was ranked only 36th in the world that year, the core technology. It is totally dependent on foreign countries. In 2003, Guan Xiyu set about setting up an R&D center in Germany, but it was suddenly stopped by the German government. In 2006, he boldly used a group of young people and invested 100 million yuan each year to build his own R&D team. Guan Xiyou said: "I can finally regain our backbone in this industry."

This is a board chairman who started the technology and has won many awards for his research projects. He led the world's leading machine tool manufacturers, changed the business philosophy of traditional manufacturing state-owned enterprises, increased service, transformed from traditional manufacturing enterprises to comprehensive service-oriented enterprises, and transformed from traditional equipment manufacturers to modern industrial service providers. In the first half of 2012, the operating income of Shenyang Machine Tools was 4.203 billion yuan.

The machine tool is the industrial master machine. The industrial airport represents the level of a country's equipment manufacturing industry. After the reform and opening up, due to the urgent need of China's industrial development, the machine tool industry first opened the country and danced with the wolf. It is this experience that forged the Shenyang Machine Tool Group today, from small to large and from big to strong. China's machine tool industry has gone from the middle of the unknown to the world's first place. Without the long-term pursuit of Guan Xiyou and the Shenyang Machine Tool Man, it will be impossible to overcome the difficulties and obstacles encountered in the internationalization path from tracking imitation to technology surpassing. .

In 2002, Guan Xiyu took the post of general manager of the group and took the product to participate in the Chicago exhibition. However, he was arranged in the basement and was ashamed of the Shenyang Machine Tool Co., Ltd. with the banner of "China's largest machine tool manufacturer." They are fully aware that when Chinese companies go international, they are by no means isolated companies but represent the image of China.

At the 2005 Chicago Expo, Shenyang Machine Tool Man saw the cutting technology of foreign machine tools, and he had the dream of using his own technology to achieve cutting. After nearly five years of painstaking research and development, Guan Xiyou led the team to overcome the difficulties. He was convinced that Shenyang Machine Tool could not do it, and others could not do it. In October 2011, Shenyang Machine Tool Group successfully developed a modern advanced intelligent motion control system.

In 2011, the core technology of CNC machine tools was thoroughly broken through the integration of information technology, motion control technology, electronic technology, and machine tool technology. The first intelligent numerical control machine tool was born in the world to achieve stand-alone intelligent, unit automation and factory Digital management. Shenyang Machine Tool strategically fades from the ordinary machine tool production field year by year. R&D strength is focused on the breakthrough of high-end CNC machine tools and their key functional components. It shifts from simple technology research to tracking national needs and implementing key research.

When she went to Chicago in 2012, Shenyang Machine Tool not only occupied the most prominent booth, but also seized $5 million of orders on the spot. Guan Xiyou and Shenyang Machine Tool finally realized their dream six years ago. They were praised by American counterparts for not only the unique technology of China, but also the Chinese aesthetic.

Guan Xiyou Guan Xiyou graduated from Tongji University in 1988 with a major in mechanical manufacturing process equipment and automation. He witnessed Shenyang's machine tools growing from small to large, from large to strong, and experiencing the low season and revitalization period of the old industrial base in Northeast China. In the 96 years when the salary was less than 600 yuan a year, an entrepreneur had treated a 6,000-30,000-plus-year-old car plus a villa and found Guan Xiyou to join. Facing the sudden temptation, Guan Xiyou still chose to quietly work hard in the machine tool industry. He has worked as Guan Xiyou, a five-year worker and five-year workshop director. Even due to backward technology, workers must work hard day and night. His dream is to "change the world's production methods."

Prior to domestic counterparts and other equipment manufacturing industries, the internationalization road of Shenyang Machine Tool has already begun. In 2004, Shenyang Machine Tool took advantage of the acquisition of German Heath by its Chinese technology, and took steps to explore the path of internationalization. Later, Shenyang Machine Tool had moved to acquire a machine tool manufacturer. Later, because the brand channel had no influence, it gave up the company with a turnover of 1.5 billion euros this year.

From the past experience of technology introduction and digestion, and expansion of acquisitions, Guan Xiyou and Shenyang Machine Tool deeply realized that core technologies cannot be acquired, and that the eyes can see and the drawings can carry no core technology. The most important aspect of cross-border mergers and acquisitions is The close combination of core technology and business model can create a business cycle. In the next step, the internationalization of Shenyang machine tools will continue to make use of global resources to serve our country's independent innovation, and we will be able to transition from selling products in the past to brand management.

Guan Xiyou described his career and dream as "using technology to change the way the world's machine tools are produced." Shenyang Machine Tool utilizes its own advanced advanced motion control system to implement an innovative drive strategy. Guan Xiyou is leading the difficult task of transforming Shenyang machine tools from traditional manufacturers to industrial service providers. To achieve the transformation of industrial service providers, it is necessary to have financial functions, to have the core technologies that are recognized by customers and serve customers, and to build brands and networks. The positioning of Shenyang Machine Tool Group is to become the world leader in the machine tool market, to become a market maker, and to actively explore and practice new-type industrialized enterprise development models and business model innovations.

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