How does a pulsed solenoid valve work?

Pulse solenoid valve, also known as diaphragm valve, is the compressed air "switch" of the pulse bag filter dust cleaning system. It is controlled by the output signal of the pulse jet control instrument and discharges the filter bag filter bag row by row (chamber). The ash keeps the resistance of the dust collector within the set range, so as to ensure the processing capacity and dust collection efficiency of the dust collector.

The pulse signal is input to the coil of the electromagnetic valve through the Wire, and the pulse valve is controlled by the output signal of the pulse injection control instrument. By relying on the pressure changes of the two air chambers before and after the valve, the rubber diaphragm deforms flexibly to realize the opening and closing of the pulse valve. . The diameter of the rubber diaphragm determines the stroke size of the rubber diaphragm and the opening and closing speed. The larger the diaphragm diameter, the greater the stroke and the better the injection performance.

The working principle of the electromagnetic valve, the solenoid valve has a closed cavity, in a different position has a through hole, each hole leads to a different tubing, the middle of the cavity is the valve, both sides are two electromagnets, which side of the magnet coil Which side the energized valve body will be attracted to, by controlling the movement of the valve body to block or leak out the different oil discharge holes, while the oil inlet hole is normally open, the hydraulic oil will enter different drain pipes and then pass through. The pressure of the oil pushes the piston of the oil, and the piston drives the piston rod. The piston rod drives the mechanical device. This controls the mechanical motion by controlling the electromagnet current.

The above is the general principle of the solenoid valve. Actually, according to the temperature, pressure, etc., flowing through the medium, for example, the pipeline is under pressure and self-flowing without pressure. The working principle of the solenoid valve is different. For example, in the self-flow state, zero pressure is required to start, that is, after the power is turned on, the coil sucks the brake body. The solenoid valve with pressure state is a pin sucked and inserted on the lock body after the coil is energized, and the lock body is lifted up with the pressure of the fluid itself.

The difference between these two methods is that the self-flowing state solenoid valve, because the coil must suck up the entire gate, so the solenoid valve with a large volume and pressure state only needs to suck up the pin, so the volume can be compared small.

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