Let the recycling economy "recycle" in enterprises

The Fourth Session of the Standing Committee of the 11th National People's Congress (August 29th), which was recently closed, passed the "Circular Economy Promotion Law." This new law will be implemented on January 1 next year. Some people say that in developing a circular economy, such a big thing is the matter of the government and the company, and it has nothing to do with the workers we work for. In actual fact, it is inseparable from every company and every “I” and it has “I” specific responsibilities. Because this law not only controls production but also lives, it is of great significance to save resources, protect the environment, and develop a circular economy.
What is "circular economy"? The circular economy that the new law has just promulgated refers to the general term for the activities of reduction, reuse, and recycling that are carried out in the course of production, circulation, and consumption. It appears as a "returning" economic growth model of "resources, products, and renewable resources." To minimize the production and consumption of pollution emissions, waste resources and harmless, to obtain the maximum economic and environmental benefits with the minimum cost. For some green industrial parks, it is to reduce waste as much as possible, use the by-products of a factory or enterprise in the park as inputs or raw materials for another factory, and finally achieve a circular economy model through waste exchange, recycling, and cleaner production. . This circular economy model of “returning from the past” and recycling the resources is different from the traditional, one-way, “resource-product-waste” linear economy. This shows that the development of circular economy development is closely related to the company and each employee. The report of the 17th National Party Congress also emphasized that the requirements for building a resource-saving and environment-friendly society must be implemented in every unit and every family.
The government plays a key role in advancing the recycling economy. Because circular economy is a systematic project that integrates economy, technology and society, it needs the government to issue a series of mutually supportive and effective policies and formulate corresponding regulations. , regulations, to guide, demonstrate, promote and guarantee the gradual and smooth realization of circular economy. However, if the circular economy depends solely on the government's efforts, it is not enough, but also depends on each enterprise and employee. If every employee of a company can seriously implement circular economy and carry out sustainable development to the enterprise and its own philosophy, this momentum is considerable, and vitality will fluctuate in the interlocking transmission of pollution. It will be much less. It is like a train, a river, a chain. Every employee is a part of it, and no one can do it. Therefore, the circular economy is to turn the entire social group into a "corporate group". No matter whether it is a family, a community, or a unit, it is a "company" and "self" is an operative. If every operator does his duty and does not perform due diligence, the circular economy will be jammed, cut off, and fail. Even the best machine will not function properly.
Let the recycling economy "recycle" in the company. This is of great significance for achieving sustainable development of enterprises and building an ecological civilization. The enterprise is a non-stop circular body. The development of circular economy, the government and the enterprise have the responsibility, and everyone has the obligation and responsibility. As long as the idea of ​​circular economy is "circulated" in the minds of employees, the circular economy will be able to bear fruit in the enterprise, and enterprises will be able to "flourish" by achieving a better vision for sustainable development, economic activities and the natural environment. "The city can reproduce clear water and blue sky.

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