The era of LED automated production

One of the most striking features of LED lighting is electronicization; one of the most obvious manifestations of electronic is the benefits of scale. After the early exploration of LED lighting, large-scale automated production has surfaced. It is understood that some of the industry's powerful LED lighting companies have invested in automated production lines in LED bulbs, LED fluorescent tubes and other circulating products, such as Mulinsen Lighting, Aoqisi Optoelectronics, Yuanhui Optoelectronics and so on. These automated production lines are known to have been able to make an LED bulb for 3 seconds! When companies are ready for large-scale automated production, the rest is how to consume these huge capacity. Therefore, whether it is OEM production for other companies, or to establish their own channels, these are just a way for automated production companies to consume capacity. If these production capacity can successfully find a market, then in the situation of full machine opening, automation and large-scale production will inevitably bring about cost reduction and quality stability. Moreover, the cost of these large-scale production products is not much higher than that of small-scale enterprises that rely on cutting corners to reduce costs. The products produced in large scale, although the product quality is more suitable for sales in the circulation field, may not be suitable for some environments and harsh conditions, but the basic quality of these products can still be guaranteed, and generally have good after-sales service. In this case, look back at the phenomenon of small businesses running in the Guzhen area of ​​Zhongshan in the first half of 2014 with low prices as the only means of competition. It is possible to understand the mood of these small enterprises: the cost advantage is not great, the quality cannot be guaranteed, and the technology No features, no brand awareness, no way out of the channel, in addition to waiting to die, can only run! It can be foreseen that small and medium-sized LED lighting enterprises that rely on low quality and low price will become more and more difficult as more and more powerful LED lighting companies are fully engaged in large-scale automation. For these companies, if you want to develop in the field of circulation products such as fluorescent tubes and bulbs, the best way is to conduct targeted product development and quality production for some areas with special needs. Multi-party hot discussion on standardized products to bring about large-scale production Lin Jiyaliang, general manager of Mulinsen Lighting Marketing Center, as long as the products that can be standardized have the necessity of scale. The market must also eliminate uncompetitive enterprises through scale, and only by weakening the strong and letting the market achieve a reasonable division of labor can the overall efficiency of the manufacturing industry be improved. In the lighting market, many products such as light sources, general-purpose basic lighting (downlights, ceiling lamps, ceiling lamps, integrated ceiling lamps) are easy to form standardized categories, and naturally are the focus of large-scale production. LED has brought an opportunity for the lighting industry to change the pattern. The concentration of light source products manufacturers will be further improved. Large enterprises with large-scale production will benefit a lot, but the market survival space for SMEs is still very large. LED has also opened an unprecedented road for small and medium-sized enterprises. Because the LED light source is light and thin, and the infinite possibilities of digitization make the lighting fixture design have more space, and it is easier to integrate with various building materials and even household products. Together, these personalized market demands are precisely the true blue ocean of the LED lighting market, so SMEs only have to make a charming product, there is still a day to come. The first model of the modular management of factory supermarkets. The generalized, automated and large-scale production mode of Jiangxi Aoqisi Technology has changed the production mode of the LED lighting industry, making the product quality better and the price lower. Only in this way can the ordinary The common people feel the real energy saving and avoid becoming a victim of the game between enterprises. Before we can carry out large-scale production, we must have standardized and automated support. Only the circulation products produced through the three-generation production can meet the needs of the masses and can withstand the test of the market. The most direct impact of large-scale production of large enterprises is to eliminate most small-scale enterprises, so that SMEs also face survival challenges and pressures. In July 2013, Ochs took the lead in proposing the concept of modular management of factory supermarkets to achieve large-scale production. The three-in-one low of Aoqisi belongs to the general attributes of all manufacturing enterprises, and is also the fundamental survival of modern manufacturing enterprises. In general, it refers to the use of standardization, automation, and large-scale production to minimize manufacturing costs; we put the convenience of supermarkets. The diversity, timeliness and the combination of Occitan's three-in-one low form the current factory supermarket management model. Seeking common ground while reserving differences, I think this is also in line with the current survival of some SMEs in the LED lighting Red Sea market. The urgent task for SMEs is: First, reorient the target market, seek common ground while reserving differences with large-scale enterprises, identify their own unique selling points, avoid confrontation with large-scale product companies, develop niche markets, and often niche markets are more likely to occupy and profit Second, deep cooperation with large-scale enterprises, and cooperation with large enterprises, first avoid the risk of positive competition, and secondly, can share a huge share of the LED light source market, and some unique products of small and medium-sized enterprises can also be supplied to scale. Enterprises, with a point to face, in order to win the future. Large-scale production is the trend of the times, which can not be avoided, which is the result of technological progress and market demand. When all the automation equipment of large-scale enterprises is fully fired, the LED lighting world war has won the battle. Some low-quality and low-priced small and medium-sized enterprises will be directly eliminated. The so-called survival of the fittest is the reason.

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