Women's morning market to buy a pound of yellow croaker fish mouth gold necklace lock

Women's morning market to buy a pound of yellow croaker fish mouth gold necklace lock diesel generator | diesel generator price / 2012-09-07

Last weekend, Ms. Zhao, who lives in Dalian, bought a pound of yellow croaker. When she went home to fish, she found a gold object in her mouth. She picked it up and saw it as a necklace lock. Afterwards, Ms. Zhao got the gold shop appraisal and discovered that she turned out to be pure gold.
Ms. Zhao lives in the green fragrant community of Lijia Street in Shahekou District. Last weekend, Ms. Zhao came to the morning market near the Green Wave community, because there were more people buying fish at that time. Ms. Zhao did not deliberately choose, and she freely let the stall owner claim a pound of yellow croaker.
When she went home to wash fish, Ms. Zhao was surprised to find that there was a golden thing in the fish mouth of one of the fish. Ms. Zhao squeezed her fish mouth and found a gold pendant in her mouth. "I took a closer look and it was a lock on the necklace. It looked like the necklace was broken." Ms. Zhao carefully observed that the surface of the lock on the necklace was golden, heavy and heavy.
At first, Ms. Zhao thought that she was an ordinary metal product and she was left behind and she did not care. After dinner, Ms. Zhao told her family about her miracles. "Perhaps it is a block of gold, I think it is possible." But Ms. Zhao did not believe what the family said, the fish could bite gold, but also bought himself home, and only bought a pound of fish, such a good thing The probability is too small.
Under the family's persuasion, Ms. Zhao still holds a necklace lock to identify with a friend's gold shop. The result of the identification made Ms. Zhao unexpected, and the necklace lock was really pure gold. “Only bought a pound of fish and gave it a gift. This is the first time I encountered it.” Ms. Zhao said that although this piece of gold was small and worthless, she felt very lucky and decided to This necklace lock is left as a memorial.
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